Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Agrivet provides a platform for original research, comprehensive reviews, short communications, case studies, and innovative advancements in agriculture and veterinary sciences. In agriculture, it covers areas such as agronomy, horticulture, soil science, plant pathology, entomology, economics, agricultural engineering, food science, agroecology, precision agriculture, sustainable agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, and plant breeding and genetics. In veterinary sciences, it focuses on medicine, surgery, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, veterinary toxicology, anesthesia and pain management, epidemiology, animal behavior and welfare, theriogenology, veterinary dentistry, wildlife medicine, and exotic animal medicine


Section Policies

Agricultural Economics

Examination of economic aspects and policies in agriculture

  • Muhammad Abbas
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Agricultural Engineering

Application of engineering principles in farming practices

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Sustainable farming practices that promote ecological balance

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Study of crop production and soil management

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Farming of fish and aquatic organisms

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Study of insects and their impact on agriculture

  • Arif Ali
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Food Science

Focus on food processing, safety, and preservation

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Management and conservation of forest resources

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Cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants

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Plant Breeding and Genetics

Improvement of crop varieties through genetic techniques

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Plant Pathology

Research on plant diseases and their management

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Precision Agriculture

Use of technology for optimized farm management

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Soil Science

Analysis of soil properties and fertility management

  • Punhoon Korai
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Veterinary Anesthesia and Pain Management

Techniques for pain relief during procedures

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Veterinary Animal Behavior and Welfare

Research on animal behavior and welfare standards.

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Veterinary Dentistry

Oral health care and dental treatments for animals.

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Veterinary Epidemiology

Analysis of disease patterns in animal populations

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Veterinary Exotic Animal Medicine

Care and treatment of non-traditional pets, such as reptiles, birds, and small mammals

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Veterinary Medicine

Diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Veterinary Microbiology

 Research on pathogens affecting animals

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Veterinary Pathology

Study of diseases through tissue examination

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Veterinary Pharmacology

Study of drug effects and therapeutic protocols

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Veterinary Surgery

Surgical interventions for animals

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Veterinary Theriogenology

Study of animal reproduction and breeding

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Veterinary Toxicology

Management of poisonings and toxic exposures

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Wildlife Medicine

Health management and conservation of wild animal species

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Agrivet offers a supportive platform for researchers in the fields of agriculture and veterinary sciences. Agrivet has an efficient online open journal system that enables rapid submission, quality blind peer review, and timely tracking of submissions within 4 to 6 weeks. Throughout this process, our Editorial Team adhere to the highest ethical standards. Each submission undergoes evaluation by two subject matter experts (national or interntional), and the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection after a thorough review.

Authors will receive notification via email, and any rejected submissions are encouraged to be revised and resubmitted as new contributions.

Upon receiving revisions, authors are required to provide a point-by-point response by both reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief will then send the revised submission back to the original or a new subject expert for further evaluation. A submission is formally approved for publication only after all editing concerns are resolved.

Final formatting of the text, tables, and figures will be handled by our production team. Authors will receive a proofread version for review, where only typographical errors and scientific inaccuracies may be corrected with the production team's approval. Published articles will be archived for future reference.


Publication Frequency

The journal releases one volume annually, with accepted manuscripts published online immediately.


Open Access Policy

The paper published in Agrivet are made freely available to the scientific community, promoting the global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Editorial Policy

Agrivet is printed once in a year, with articles made promptly available online for the benefit of the scientific community. Submissions must be original and not previously published or under consideration by any other journal. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript before submission. Each submission undergoes a rigorous double blind peer review process conducted by subject experts, with the final decision made by a member of the editorial board based on the experts’ feedback. Authors retain ownership of their published work, allowing for reuse and redistribution, and are not required to transfer copyright to Agrivet. The journal disclaims any responsibility for the content of published articles; authors are solely accountable for the accuracy and validity of their work, as well as for the originality of the submitted material.

The views expressed in the articles reflect the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the journal's endorsement.  Agrivet adheres to the principles outlined in the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, and all papers are published under a CC-BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). This approach is particularly supported by many research funding organizations, as it promotes the widespread dissemination and reuse of open access content.


Publishing Ethics

All participants in the publication process—including the journal editor, peer reviewers, and publisher—are expected to uphold high ethical standards. The editorial team ensures that every submitted article is subjected to a thorough double blind peer review by at least two subject experts. Decisions regarding publication are made collaboratively, incorporating input from both the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial team. While authors may suggest potential reviewers, the editorial board reserves the right to accept or decline these recommendations, with the final decision on reviewer appointments being conclusive. Invited referees are encouraged to promptly decline the invitation to review if they feel unqualified to assess the research or unable to provide valuable feedback.

Reviewers must avoid evaluating papers where they have conflicts of interest due to collaborations, competition, or affiliations with the authors or their institutions. Reviewers are responsible for identifying any similarities between the submitted article and previously published works. They should maintain confidentiality regarding any knowledge or ideas gained during the double blind peer review process. Reviews must be conducted objectively, with conclusions backed by compelling justifications relevant to the manuscript’s development. Reviewers should assess the significance of the research and ensure that sufficient information and references are provided for further inquiry. They should also remain vigilant for relevant published material that has not been cited in the reference list, noting any findings or arguments documented elsewhere during their review.

The peer review process assists the editorial board and editor in making informed decisions while providing constructive feedback to authors for manuscript improvement. The editor and editorial board are committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of all information related to manuscript submissions, including details about articles under review and those for which invited referees have declined participation.

The editor and editorial board respect the intellectual property rights of authors and will not utilize any unpublished content from a submitted paper without the author's explicit written permission. Decisions regarding submitted papers are made impartially, without bias based on the author's race, gender, religion, nationality, political views, or institutional affiliation. The primary criteria for evaluation are the work's significance, originality, and validity in relation to the journal’s scope, with careful consideration given to copyright violations and plagiarism.

The corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript and for managing communication between Agrivet and co-authors both before and after publication. Co-authors are defined as those who have made significant contributions to the study, while individuals who have contributed but do not meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged appropriately. Any changes to the authorship, including order or removal of authors, require unanimous approval from all authors. Authors must uphold the originality of their work and properly cite the contributions of others.

Submitting the same article to multiple journals simultaneously is considered unethical. Authors are responsible for giving appropriate credit and acknowledgment to the work of others and must respect the confidentiality of their communications with the journal. Posting reviewers' reports or other confidential information online or elsewhere requires approval from the editorial board. Authors may be asked to provide raw data from their study as part of the publication process. If the research involves any hazardous materials, methods, or equipment, authors must fully disclose these details. For studies involving human or animal participants, authors must ensure that their methods comply with applicable laws and ethical standards set by their institutions.

Cited articles should accurately reflect the work claimed by the authors. Authors are expected to clearly outline each contributor’s role, and Agrivet allows for the designation of two co-authors who have equally contributed to the work. All authors must disclose any conflicts of interest that could bias the results or interpretation of their research. If authors identify errors or inconsistencies in their published work, they must promptly inform the journal's editor or publisher and collaborate with the editorial team to correct or retract the publication as necessary.


CrossMark Policy Statement

CrossMark, a collaborative initiative spearheaded by CrossRef, provides a standardized method for users to track the version of a paper or other published content. By incorporating the CrossMark button, Scientific Press (SMC-Private) Limited ensures the ongoing accuracy of its published information and proactively informs readers of any updates or changes. The CrossMark button offers readers a quick and easy way to check the status of a paper, including updates, retractions, or corrections.

This unique CrossMark feature is available exclusively on content from Scientific Press (SMC-Private) Limited, whether it has already been published in journals or is set for future publication. To uphold the integrity of scholarly literature, Scientific Press (SMC-Private) Limited issues errata, expressions of concern, or retraction notices as necessary, in accordance with the COPE Retraction Guidelines. Each notice includes a link back to the original article, ensuring transparency and accessibility for readers.