Approval and commercial release of conventional, yielding, early maturing and heat tolerant with desirable fiber traits variety CIM-554

Khan Idrees Muhammad, Shehzad Fazal, Husain Khadim


Changes in the environment including heat and drought significantly declined the production of cotton. CCRI,. Multan developed a new variety CIM-554 through hybridization in this scenario. There is significantly higher yields recorded in advance varietal and agro-climatic Trials at farmers’ fields and Govt. Farms in four consecutive years (2005-2008). In varietal trials, CIM-554 gave 20.2%, 14.5%, 12.6%, 12.8%, 22.7%, and 28.4%, increase- over commercial varieties MNH-786, CIM-534, CIM-496 NIAB-111, CIM-506 and CIM-499 respectively for seed cotton yield. In Zonal varietal trials (2007-08), CIM-554 gave a 4.9% higher yield of seed cotton over standard while in 2008-09, CIM-554 gave 21.8% higher seed cotton over the standard i.e CIM-496. CIM-554 exceeded commercial variety CIM-499 during 2004-05 in Punjab in National level Trial i.e. NCVT. CIM554 had possessed desirable traits with high ginning GOT %age, better fiber qualities, and spinning qualities. Commercial cultivation of this variety significantly contributed to the overall cotton production as well as it can be used as valuable


Cotton, conventional, early maturing, yield, upland cotton

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