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Review on structural mechanism and mode of action of corona virus

Muhammad Talha, Hafiz Ghulam Muhu-Din Ahmed, Aziz Ullah, Muhammad Ali‬‬‬‬


Human coronaviruses, first reported in the 1960s, were the reason for a large number of children infected with the upper respiratory tract. SARS and four other coronaviruses have been reported since 2003, causing substantial morbidity and mortality. A new coronavirus was firstly reported from Hubei Province, Wuhan City in China, in December 2019 and named as novel Corona Virus. Later on, this virus is referred to as COVID-19, which can cause diseases similar to SARS and named for the spikes that protrude from their membranes, like the sun’s corona. The virus is believed to have been spread by animals sold in Wuhan from the seafood market and Health authorities in China reported fever, cough, breathing problems, and pneumonia in patients. The virus has a variety of physical and pathogenic features similar to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Closer contact may cause the virus to be transmitted Initial flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, myalgia, and dyspnea in the 2-14 days of viral contact. People who are chronically ill are usually older or have medical co-morbidity. No treatments or virus vaccines are currently available. Seasonal Influenza has less mortality rate and less infectious than SARS-CoV-2. Many of the viruses remain to be identified as they will spread. Future directions for SARS-CoV work include greater knowledge of the replication process, tropism, and immune-response mechanisms, taking account of the possible functions of groups-specific proteins; development of animal and human virus vaccine strategies, and anti-viral therapies and very likely isolation and characterization of new human pathogenic coronaviruses. Emergencies for identifying and quarantining contaminated individuals early in the process of preventing their further spread are being made through global efforts


Virus, corona, pathogen, disease, human, SARC, respiratory

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