Efficacy of different insecticides against mealybug, phenacoccus solenopsis tensley on cotton crop

Aziz Ahmed Memon, Mohammad Siddiq Maree, Ali Muhammad Kalroo


A field experiment was concluded to evaluate the efficacy of different insecticides viz., Dimegro (Dimethoate), Edmital-D (Fenvelrate + Dimethoate), Edcura (Perofenofos) and Agridan (Carbofuran), against mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tensley, on cotton during kharif season-2008. The crop was treated when pest appeared. The data obtained were analyzed statistically and highly significant differences were observed amongst insecticides, which showed a different degree of control in respect of diminishing pest population. All the insecticides proved effective against mealybug and gave more than 81 % pest mortality after 24 hours of spray but their efficacy decreased gradually after 48 and 72 hours of treatment. Plot treated with Dimegro (spray) and Agridan (soil application) found most effective in reducing the pest population (90.0 %) followed by Edmital-D (73.8 %), Edcura ( 69  %),  A gr i d an  (6 1 .7  %)  a n d  Di meg ro  (5 2 .6  %)  in  t rea te d  p l o ts .


Cotton, Mealybug, insecticides, damage

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