Comparative performance of various advance cotton strains as tested in 2014 - 2015 National Coordinated Varietal Trials (NCVT) of Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC)
Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC) has been delegated the authority, by Nationa l Seed" "Council. to conduct National Coordinated Varietal Trials (NCVT)on its beha(/ eve1y year with the objective to screen high yie lding and stress resistant advance strains of cotton meeting national fiber standards tested and trialed at all agro -ecological zones of the national cotton belt. During the crop year 2014 -15,.fifty-two (52) strains including 12 non-Bl, 40 Bl (38 OPVs and 2 Hybrids) were tested against standard commercial varieties at twelve locations throughout the cotton belt of Pakistan. Total thirty two (32) strains(J O non -Bl and 22 Bt) were developed by public sector breeders and twenty (20) strains (two non-Bt, sixteen Bt and two Bt hybrid) were submitted by private sector breeders for testing. These strains were divided into four sets. Set -A comprised of non-Bt strains, Set-B were of Bt strains.fivm public sector breeders, Set-C Bt strains.from private sector breeders and Set-D contained Bt hybrids. From non-Bt strains TH-120 was on top with the national average yield 2795kg per hectare. From public sector Bl Strains FH -Lalazar gave highest seed-cot/on yield i.e. 327J kg per hectare. Toppe1forming Bt strainfr om private sector was Crystal-I with average national production of 2896kg per hectare. Hybrid Al -seemi H-Bt-209 produced 2778 kg per hectare seed cotton yield. All strain almost showed GOT'-' and otherfiber characteristics higher than the recommended standards. Biochemical tests from four reference labs indicated that 49 transgenic lines contained Crylac gene (event MON -53J)and expressed appropriate toxic protein levels (0.422-2.389ug!g of fi· esh leaves tested 80 days after planting.Three strains viz. CEMB-66 and CEMB-77 and CA-526 werefound 10 contain two insect resistant genes (C1ylAc and Oy2A)that were developed by the Centre of Excellencefor Molecular Biology."
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