Seed cotton yield performance of different strains in national coordinated varietal trial 2020-21

MMuhammad Zahir Ahsan, Usama Asif


During 2020-21 total 87 strains were developed and tested for seed cotton yield in National Coordinated Varietal Trail on National Level at different locations of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. The results revealed highly significant differences among the strains on different locations. In set A in Punjab and KPK top performer strain was PC-2008, and in Balochistan best performance was observed in PC-2003. In Set-B highest seed cotton yield per hectare was harvested from PC-2014 in Punjab, in KPK maximum yield was obtained from PC-2011 and in Balochistan high performance strains were PC-2012, PC-2025 and PC-2030. IN Set-C PC-2039 was the best performer strain at Punjab, PC-2047 was best strain at KPK and Balochistan. In Set-D, on Punjab level maximum yield was covered by the PC-2068, in KPK PC-2073 and in Balochistan maximum yield was harvested from four strains i.e PC-2069, 2073, 2081 and 2083


National Coordinated Varietal Trial, NCVT, Seedcotton Yield,

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