Lovemore Mutaviri, Washington Mubvekeri


Production of cotton is faced with a number of challenges and amongst these are a lot of pests including aphids, mealybugs, and bollworms.  Cotton bollworms namely heliothis, red, spiny, and pink can cause a yield reduction of 67 percent if they are not properly controlled. A study to evaluate the efficacy of Vantex 60 CS,  Dynamo 1.15% WP and Blanket 150 SC, new insecticides  intended for use in cotton was carried out at CRI, Tokwane and Matikwa in 2020 – 21 and 2021-22 seasons. Vantex 60 CS levels were 50ml, 100ml and 150ml. Dynamo 1.15%  was tested at 1250g, 2500g and 3000g. Blanket 150 SC levels were 125ml, 250ml and 300ml. Decis Forte rate was 50ml/ha. There was a no control treatment. Bollworm counts and predator counts were measured. Data analysis was done using Genstat 14th Edition. Data that did not follow the normal distribution was transformed using the square root transformation of (x + 3/8). Means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test in ascending order.Vantex at 150ml/ha, Blanket at both 250ml/ha and 300ml/ha were comparable to Decis Forte for Red, Heliothis and spiny bollworms as well as predator preservation. Dynamo was comparable to Decis Forte in preserving predators at all its levels as shown by Matikwa for both seasons but was outcompeted by Decis Forte in Heliothis bollworm control. Its 2500g and 3000g/ha were comparable to Decis Forte for RBWL and spiny bollworm control



Blanket, Vantex, Dynamo, bollworm, species, efficacy, predator, ascending,

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