Stability analysis of sugar beet genotypes in terms of yield and sugar ratios (Beta vulgaris Var. saccharifera L.)

Mustafa Yasar, Remzi Ekinci


This study was carried out to investigate the ecological regions of Eskişehir, Konya, Kırşehir, and Çorum in terms of sugar beet root yield (kg da-1), polar sugar rate (%), refined sugar rate (%) and sugar yield (kg da-1), to determine stabilities of selected genotypes, and to assist future studies. The experiment was conducted in the ecological regions of Eskişehir, Konya, Kırşehir, and Çorum between 2013 and 2017, using the trial data from the Variety Registration and Seed Certification Center. 58 genotypes of foreign origin were used in the study. It was determined that the Çorum location could be considered as bad environment in terms of sugar beet root yield feature, the Çorum and Eskişehir locations in terms of polar sugar beet and refined sugar rate feature, and the Eskişehir location in terms of polar sugar rate feature. It was concluded that Sandrina, Bernache and Aigrette genotypes showed good adaptation under good environmental conditions and were stable in terms of sugar beet root yield; Garrot and Beetle genotypes in terms of sugar yield; Delano and Portofina KWS (5K618) genotypes in terms of polar sugar rate; Ametist (SV1634), Masai, and Eldorado genotypes in terms of refined sugar rate. Since the performances of genotypes in different environmental conditions differ, it is of great importance to examine the performances of new varieties in different ecological environments. In terms of sugar beet root yield characteristics, it is recommended to prefer warmer ecological locations


Polar sugar rate, refined sugar rate, root yield, stability analysis, sugar beet.

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